Sunday, September 11, 2011

Am I the last one on Earth to make these?!

I really think I am....the last one to make these, that is.  As we were preparing the kids for nap time, I mentioned these 'quick oat cookies' to my husband, and he proceeded to tell me all the ingrediants that went into them.  Ummmm, what?!  He knew exactly what I was talking about and I didn't even say much!?  That's a rare occurance!  So I ran into the kitchen (literally!) and began putting these together.  And hello! Anything that can be made and cleaned up in less than 15 minutes is a friend of mine!  I mean come on!  I had these things cooling on the tray and my kitchen spotless and the kids weren't even half way through nap yet... it's already the perfect cookie for me!  Not to mention they have peanut butter - that's right I said it!  Peanut butter!  End of story...I'm sold. Doesn't take much for me to fall for a cookie...did I mention they are no bake??! 
The recipe I used was found here --> no bake oatmeal cookies  from the Girl Who Ate Anything, but I'm sure these are posted all over the blogging world.

I didn't have cocoa powder (do people actually have this as a standard in their pantry?  If so, I guess I'm really missing out on other recipes that call for this ingredient!) So I went to a great site for baking substitutions The Joy of Baking.  I replaced the cocoa powder with 1 oz of unsweetened chocolate (Ok, I'll be honest, I used semi sweet because that's what I had) and 1/8 tsp baking soda...worked like a charm!  I love easy substitutions!
A perfect after nap snack... and good thing because I hear one crying now!

1 comment:

  1. I totally love these!!! And yes, I actually do have cocoa powder in my pantry all the time. How lame am I??? =o)
